Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Simply saja - Kiss and Afterlife

Gosh work is killing me lately, been going back to the office for the past few weekends to get things done faster. The date line's next Monday, looks like I'm gonna have to work late for the next 2 days and also go back to the office on Saturday and Sunday. There goes my beautiful weekend!

Anyway my mind's too blank to write anything nice, funny or meaningful. So just gonna share a song which I personally Lurve~~ Hope you'll like it too and that it'll make your 10 minutes spent on reading this post not a complete waste of time!

Venke Knutson - Kiss

And here's another song that I like quite a lot, which is of a completely different genre from the one above!

Avenged Sevenfold - Afterlife

Lurve always~*


chris federick said...

Nice choice of songs. Although they're quite contrasting, but can see that you have a wide taste in music. Have a nice weekend.. if can la :D