The previous post was pretty long so gonna try to cut it short this time. Hopefully, because I tend to be carried away. :D
I just took a Facebook quiz that's titled "Your attitude towards breakups". It's a rather simple quiz with just one scenario question. I dunno how the scenario is even remotely related to breaking up so am just gonna skip to the results. And here's my verdict,
You are very kind, and hate to see anyone getting hurt because of you. When it comes to the point that breaking up is the only viable option, you will never make it clear to him, and will just distance yourself from him, letting the relationship ends, slowly but surely. This is of course the simplest and easiest method for you to end things, but it is extremely cruel to him. This is because he is trapped in this relationship, without an answer, not knowing that whether he should leave or stay, causing him much pain in the process. Once you have decided to breakup, you won't spend time to explain everything, and you couldn't care less about how much suffering this will brought unto him. You cold hearted bitch.
Hmm... This couldn't be more far off from the truth. I hate being played around with like that, trapped in a relationship, not sure of where you stand and going nowhere. So for sure I wouldn't put anyone through all that unnecessary pain.
I've only ever broken up with my previous boyfriends with one reason. I don't love/like you anymore. Of course I don't say it so directly la, it'll be like slapping them in the face, wearing MJ's diamond studded glove or something like that. Ouch! I try to put it nicer like, "I don't feel for you the way I used to" or "I like you but I don't think I love/like you enough to take this relationship further".
Speaking for myself, this is the best reason ever for breaking up. I don't love you anymore. Would you rather breaking up with you lover, just because of you couldn't stand the way he/she sneeze? Or because of long distance, objection from family & friends, character difference or cheating from either party?
Definitely a big NO for me. Because all these reasons of breaking up, are not absolute. If you still love each other then somehow you'll find a way, against all odds. If you did break up because of god knows what reasons while both of you are still in love, then one day you'll definitely look back and regret. There will always be this little voice in your heart saying, "What if we tried harder? What if I just forgave him/her? What if I wasn't so afraid of what others might think of us?"
It's a totally different situation when one party stops loving the other or both of you just fell out of love overtime. There really isn't any reason to continue being together then, is it? Well you can try as hard as you can, but you'll never be able to force yourself to love someone, no matter how wonderful they are. You might be able enjoy each other's company and act as a normal couple would, but deep down you'll know that something's missing, that it's not enough to have a "pleasant" relationship with another, and you crave for more.
Well some of you may think, "you think fairy tale meh? So easy to love until like Jack and Rose (from Titanic, you jump I jump) ar? Can find someone that can bear with you already arigato d!" Call me silly, but I still believe that one day I'll find someone that I'll be passionate about, someone I would cry for and die for, someone I really love. (well maybe not die for, I still have my mama, papa, brother, sister and friends to live for!)
Hopefully before I turn 30. XD
Have you found your special someone?
Lurve always~*
Hey nice timing for your post. I personally experienced the moment of truth last night, luckily didn't end up like dat coz we decided to persevere. Lol... ur last pic =.=
so surprise to see you totter over to my blog :) hehe thanks for reading.
i've been reading ur blog daily for a while now :) keep it up *wink*
chris, wish you a smooth ride down the lurve lane ya... :D
ahah the last pic cute rite?
omg kellster you totally made my day!
thank you so much and i definitely will!
I feel the same way. Better to end it early than to drag it on and waste precious energy, time and opportuinity.
As much as I would like to see myself as a hopeless romantic though, I don't know if I would ever find that someone who I can find myself loving forever and ever. I want a fairytale romance, everlasting love. But will I ever find it in real life?
Thinking that I may not scares me. But thankfully, looking at my parents tells me that there could still be hope out there. Somewhere.
All the best to your search!
haha well i enjoy a blog that writes good english
unfortunately sometimes would I divulge my inner most thoughts but most of the time I can't. due to the fact my blog isn't exactly 'hidden' anymore. lol
thanks for reading mine ;) see u more there.
and before i forget,
To me, love is a CHOICE. sounds too simple? But it isn't. people fall out of love by CHOICE. no such thing as oh the passion died, oh i dun feel the love anymore, oh we don't get along anymore..well it's all a choice.
we let the passion die, we let quarrels get the better of us, we let our feelings goes astray.
Love is work. :)
I believe, true love comes when we learn forgiveness and the grace comes with it.
example, when your partner commits a deal breaker on your part on ur principals of relationship, you are still willing to FORGIVE and move on and make the relationship work.
now that's love :)
Because when we get married with our partners, it's a choice to stay in love with them til they age.
not because out of habit :)
wahh i macam grandma now :P
If only love could work that way, Kellster.
People do fall out of love all the time as people change. You can work all your life to love someone, but if they way that person feels towards you has changed, all the love in the world is not going to mean a thing.
When it breaks and the love that's lost is irrecoverable, it's time to move on.
Kevin, i guess we share the same fear then.. i dunno why some ppl fall in love so easily. you see school girls cut their wrist, carve their lover's name on their arm all the time. (mind you, it's was a trend 1 or 2 years back in highschool!)
but that's never the case for me.. i know they're just being plain stupid but you really can't deny the affection, passion and obsession they feel for the other. and sometimes i envy them and hope that i'll be able to feel that way about someone, someday. (just 50% will do, i dun wanna tattoo his/her name on my face lol)
Kellster, if you wanna read blogs with good english, you can try chris or kevin's. and chris is even a english teacher in progress! XD
well i think what you said is true to a certain degree. you always have the choice to work on maintaining the love and passion in a relationship. yeah and love is hard work! i couldn't agree more.
but one thing you don't have a choice at is who you fall in love with. i had to learn that the hard way >.< what's already there, you can work on maintaining it, but what's never been there, try as you may, it's not gonna happen.
i'm so confused too, you know whenever a new relationship begins, you can't expect both of them to be like deeply in love right? most of the time couple started off with just mutual fondness towards each other, thinking that something good may come out from it, they just hop in and give it a try.
But what if it never happen?
Keefe, yea i've had so many friends who'd recently ended their more-than-5-years relationship. it's sad but some of them really never look back since.
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