I am now trying to revive my blog. Will definitely find time for it and post up bits of my life here. Just bear with me for a while longer alright? Sorry that me second post never really happened. Was already in the middle of it and suddenly it's not what i wanna write about anymore. I got it saved in my draft for 6 months and finally deleted it yesterday. It was getting draggy and boring so I've decided a change of direction on how I would write things. From now on it's just gonna be straight forward and will definitely try to make it more interesting (although in real life it might not be). :"p
I've already got a few things that i wanna write about. It would most probably be the money woes that I've had to face for the past few months and also the coming few months, greatly due to the fact that Ive booked myself a non-refundable ticket to Taiwan, without having any savings in my account. Will go more in depth on the later post. Taiwan would also be another thing that i would talk about, as unbelievable as it is, I'm finding it hard to be hype about this trip. Hopefully by the time I write an entire post about it, things have changed.
Oh and I went to KL last weekend to attend my best friend's convocation and I missed my flight home. Had to spend a fortune to get on another one.
And last but not least, yesterday i overheard this from the next door toilet cubicle. "Mommy, why do you have beard on your ass?" And that, was the highlight of my day.
6 years ago
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